Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Inside Studio

Here are some studio musings...

Outside Crough

Here are some of the delights to enjoy outside the architecture building.


This post is dedicated to Sam, a wonderful little studio puppy.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Wandering P St. on the Georgetown end.

DC at night

Here are some pictures I took while driving around DC...

Campus at night

Here are some pictures I took while wandering from my dorm to the metro.

This last one is my favorite: I love the contrast in color between the middle ground and background.


Me and some other kids were able to meet up several times with an amazing man in Georgetown who taught us lessons in meditation.
He's just about the coolest old man I've ever met.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Here are some pictures I took while visiting the
Hirshhorn Gallery on the Mall ...

Nieces and Nephews

It's definitely fun to be an uncle. You have great subjects...

Assignment 1

slow shutter

minimum aperture

maximum aperture

fast shutter

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mr. Belding comes to CUA

Program Board invited the actor who famously portrayed Mr. Belding to come to CUA and speak...
Still trying to get accustomed to the functions of my new camera, here are my pictures of Mr. B in action.

I like the lighting coming through the clerestory at the top of the photo.

Until next time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Experimenting with new camera

Here are the first few pictures I took with my new DSLR. In a few months when I go back and look at this post, hopefully there will be an extreme contrast in my knowledge and skill at picture taking.
Don't laugh....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Some of my favorite American cities

Photos were taken with my point and shoot digital camera: the over-photographed blossoms, center city Philly, and the Chrysler in Manhattan